Backcial with Biolite Technology

Php 3,600

The total exfoliation of the back area through elimination of dead skin cells and extraction to reduce excess oil production

  • Treatment Duration: 90 minutes
  • Interval Between Sessions: every 4 weeks

Spot Azelan Treatment

Php 144 (per pimple)

An anti-bacterial solution that spot treats acne by drying up 3 pimples as an add-on to Diamond Peel, Deep Cleansing Facial, or Hydroxygen Facial

Photodynamic Therapy

Php 600 (face and/or hair only)

A light energy treatment that can address various skin conditions. It can be added to the following procedures: Safyre Laser, Smaxel Laser, Tytafrost Laserm Miracle Light Laser, Picotone Laser and PicoCare Laser

Available Photodynamic Therapy Colors:
Red – stimulates skin cell regeneration
Yellow ­– relieves redness and swelling
Green ­– calms sensitive skin
Blue ­– eliminates acne-causing bacteria
Purple ­– promotes skin repair and collagen production
Orange ­– improves skin pigmentation
Cyan ­– reduces inflammation and oil production

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